Friday, May 14, 2010


"The human brain is the only organ in the known universe that seeks to understand itself."-
Richard Restak

I've been trying to take on the iconoclast way of thinking. What is an iconoclast you might think; Gregory Berns defines it in his fabulous book Iconoclast: A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently as: a person who does something that others say can't be done. He goes on to tell how the iconoclast doesn't literally see things differently than other people; more precisely, he "perceives" things differently." He demonstrates this with stories of revolutionary thinkers that were ahead of their time. They weren't afraid to follow their ideas where others would call them heretics, even with possibility that they could be wrong.
"People will always criticize those on an unconventional path."

Most of my inspiration has been from my recent passion in the field of neuroscience. The brain sciences are one of the fastest growing fields in science because of the multitude of applications. In the near future it will also become one the heated topics with social ethics as it touches on concepts such as free will, beliefs, emotions, actions, and perception. Neuroscience is starting to reveal a lot of scary things, a lot of things that may seem counterintuitive to us. Sure neuroscience is counterintuitive, but that is a problem with your intuitions, not a problem with neuroscience. On top of that neuroscience is bad ass. My cousin once said, "Neuroscience takes the vagina out of psychology and does work." Neuroscience touches on every aspect of human nature.

I believe that studying neuroscience as well as other cool sciences such as genetics and physics can teach you more about yourself and the world than any religion could ever do. It allows you to see things not for what one thinks they are, but for what they might be. But it is not an easy road. "Before one can muster the strength to tear down conventional thinking, one must first imagine the possibility that conventional thinking is wrong." And boy is that ever true. The last two years have been the hardest of my life, but in a good way. It's been a learning process of myself and the world, throwing out most preconceived perceptions and beliefs. A complete reverse engineering of my thoughts. My goal with this blog is to not tell you how to think but rather to open the door to freethinking. Also, to create conscience awareness of evidence, the reality behind the illusions, and to expose dogmatic thinking.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."

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